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For special accents
Lights made from olive wood
The olive ash is one of the most valuable woods in the Central European forest, primarily found along streams and rivers as well as in floodplain forests. It is known for its elasticity and impact resistance. The flexible wood can be combined with most furniture and materials; we recommend similarly light types of wood.
If you are looking for a lamp with natural charm and a timeless appearance, then a lamp made of olive ash veneer is the perfect choice for you. Olive ash is a rarer type of wood known for its beauty and durability. A lamp made of olive ash veneer will give your home a warm and cozy atmosphere.
The veneer has a beautiful color with unique stripes and grain patterns that resemble the wood of an olive tree. The grains and colors can vary from light to dark tones, creating a distinctive look.
The wood veneer strips for our lamps are carefully coordinated, and especially with the olive ash wood type, there can be variations. Some parts of the veneer are rather uniform and simple, while other areas bring an exciting grain pattern. With olive ash, no grain pattern is the same as the next, and each lamp becomes a unique piece.