Ich konnte sehr gut die Farbe meiner Schränke mit der Farbe der Lampe vergleichen.
Tolles Licht, sieht sehr wertig aus, ein Hingucker
Die Lampe würde individuell für mich gefertigt. Kundenservice top!
5 years product warranty
10 years spare part warranty
30-day money-back guarantee
Free shipping & returns (in Germany)
plus VAT. Free shipping from 50 € in Germany
✓ Handmade in Cologne
✓ FSC certified wood
✓ Modularly applicable
✓ Easy to care for
✓ Brightness freely selectable
Select options
Coziness and design united
Our wall lights from the Veneria collection create indirect lighting without glare and are an absolute eye-catcher even when turned off! Available in five diameters and made from five different types of wood, there is a suitable light for every wall.