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Fits with all furniture
Lights made of oak wood
Our oak wood lamps are versatile and can be easily combined with almost all furniture and materials. Oak wood emits a lot of light and has a classic look due to its unobtrusive nature, adding a decorative touch. This strong and durable wood, with its mostly uniform grain, is especially popular for its brightness and simplicity.
If you're looking for a lamp with natural charm and a timeless appearance, then a lamp made of oak veneer is the perfect choice for you. A lamp made of oak veneer will give your home a warm and cozy atmosphere.
The oak veneer has a beautiful brown color with irregular light and dark stripes, making each lamp unique. The grains and colors can vary from light to dark brown tones, providing a distinctive look. With indirect lighting, you won't be blinded and can fully focus on the aesthetics of the lamps.
Since each lamp is handcrafted in our workshop, all lamps are unique, each with its own grain and color. This means that each lamp offers a unique lighting experience and makes your home a special place to feel good.