Ich konnte sehr gut die Farbe meiner Schränke mit der Farbe der Lampe vergleichen.
Tolles Licht, sieht sehr wertig aus, ein Hingucker
Die Lampe würde individuell für mich gefertigt. Kundenservice top!
The neglected element: wooden lamps as the perfect solution When the paint on the walls dries, the furniture is perfectly arranged, and personal accents have been set, one might think that the dec...
Read moreOn Saturday, October 2, 2021 starting at 3:00 PM, we are celebrating together with our artist friends from Beau Beton and in cooperation with Pläsierchen Köln the opening of our joint showroom and...
Read moreThe flood disaster in Germany has taken many people from their homes, and the material damage, as well as the psychological burden, still runs deep. The images are shocking, and it's hard to imagin...
Read moreZero Waste and sustainable leftover utilization are our top priority in our Cologne studio. To give something back, we donate 50% of the net proceeds from our upcycled bookmarks and 25% of the net ...
Read moreSupport for heartfelt projects
This is the first blog post on Gofurnit and it deals with a topic that deeply moved me during our last vacation. It is about the rescue, help, and care of dogs and cats on Koh Mak, a small island i...
Read moreCovid-19: We support our local businesses
We have decided to donate 20% of our online revenues to the blickWERKE in the coming months, so that we can help each other in this difficult situation and manage to get through this healthily - bu...
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