Ich konnte sehr gut die Farbe meiner Schränke mit der Farbe der Lampe vergleichen.
Tolles Licht, sieht sehr wertig aus, ein Hingucker
Die Lampe würde individuell für mich gefertigt. Kundenservice top!
Ready assembled
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30 Days Return
Handmade in DE
Durable & easy to care for
including VAT. Free shipping from 50 € in Germany
The bestseller among floor lamps is now also available in a more delicate design, handcrafted from 28 narrow strips. Our lamps from the Ardere collection cast a beautiful play of light on the walls and ceiling through the individual veneer strips. The use of thin wooden strips creates a stunning and very cozy light.
The warm atmosphere that is radiated promotes relaxation and tranquility. It is therefore perfect for the bedroom or living room.
Features of the Ardere collection:
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